Good for Your Gut

Gut health has been a hot topic for a while now and can be overwhelming and sometimes confusing with so much information out there ! There are so many avenues of research you can dive into eg the gut brain connection, food intolerances etc but I have decided to write a little overview to hopefully help sum up the main functions of your gut! Once yo have a little bit of insight into how and why your body works the way it does, it is much easier to change your habits and try and alter your diet to maximise your health.


Why is the Gut So Important ?

There are thousands of bacteria that live in our gut ! Many of these are good bacterias which help to inhibit pathogens , convert active metabolites, produce SCFA, stimulate immune function & regulate body fat storage. Pathogens that may invade the gut may cause sepsis, infection, inflammation etc. The alteration of our gut bacteria is influenced by many things including our childhood, antibiotic use, diet, stress and genetics.

What Food Help to Support Our Gut?

PREBIOTICS: these help to stimulate good bacteria , reduce inflammation, enhance bioavailability of minerals and help reduce prevalence of infection. Foods rich in prebiotics include artichokes, asparagus, leek, onions, banana, garlic, wheat

PROBIOTICS: some of us may take these in a capsule form ( predominantly bifidobacteria and lactobacillus) but we can also get probiotics from foods ! They help to block pathogens, enhance intestinal immune response and repair intestinal permeability ( may have heard as leaky gut!) Probiotics can be found in fermented foods like yoghurt, kombucha, sauerkraut & miso

FIBER: Fiber is so important for our gut and is helpful in preventing disease, helping mucosal cell generation, inhabiting cholesterol synthesis & controlling insulin sensitivity . High fibre foods also help you maintain regular bowel motions and decrease constipation. We want to aim for about 25g a day . High fibre foods include beans, wholegrain, pepitas & fruits eg apples.

HYDRATION: consuming enough water is so important to keep your gut healthy. A lack of water can lead to constipation , bloating, pain & discomfort.

Other Helpful Tips

  • For inflammation & discomfort bone broth is really effective in repairing the mucosal gut lining.

  • I also love peppermint herbal tea when my stomach is feeling inflamed.

  • If you are worried about any gastrointestinal symptoms you may benefit from trialling an elimination diet ( most common intolerances are gluten and dairy ) under the guidance of a practitioner.

  • Eating slowly & mindfully is also so important - a main reason for bloating is not chewing our food properly! If we can stay off our phones as well it can help us stay present and in tune with our hunger signals while we are eating as well.

  • Try and limit processed foods & focus on variety. The best way to feed our good gut bacteria is lots of colours ( think all the fruits and veggies!) , good quality carbohydrates ( wholegrains, sweet potato ) and healthy fats.

My Favourite Gut Loving Breakfast : PAPAYA BOAT

Papaya has been a popular food for gut health lately! It is gentle on the digestion to start the morning as it contains an enzyme called papain that helps us with digestion as well as being high in fibre to promote a healthy gut.


  • 1/2 papaya

  • coconut yoghurt

  • nut butter

  • seeds & nuts of choice

  • berries

  • squeeze of lime juice


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